Course Description
Cash flow is the lifeblood of a company and is fundamental to its very existence. Managers must understand how their decisions on investment,
and financing lead to specific cash flow movements within the business system. A part of management’s job is to maintain an appropriate balance between the inflows and outflows of cash.
Unfortunately an intricate understanding of how cash flows within a company eludes most business managers. Strategic and operational decisions regarding cash flow management are often driven by faulty intuition that is based on either the cultural practices within a company or the past experiences of its managers.
This course will focus on the core issues and techniques of cash flow management such as the management of working capital and corporate cash. In particular you will learn:
The techniques for effective collection and disbursement of cash
How to forecast future cash flows
Management of multinational cash flows
Treasury information management using EDI, E-commerce and the internet
The approach will be practical as well as conceptual and will emphasize general principles. The intention will be that course participants can apply these general principles to analyze new issues as they arise. The course will incorporate various solved examples and case studies at appropriate intervals so that the delegates get an opportunity to implement theory into practice and also get a chance to discuss the various issues visited during the course.
Course Objective
The objectives of the course are such that on completion, the delegates should be able to:
Recognize the importance of effective cash-flow management
Effectively manage collection and disbursement of cash
Develop better relationship with banks
Calculate cash operating cycles
Understand the importance of cash concentration system
Understand the different issues involved with cash budgeting
Forecast cash flows
Understand the basic issues involved in working capital management of oil and gas industry
Understand the basics of managing multinational cash flows
Understand the basics of electronic data interchange and the issues involved in its implementation.
Who Should attend?
Cash flow management is an essential skill that should be acquired (though at varying levels) by all the managers in a company. In particular the following will find it very helpful:
Financial managers, finance controllers treasurers and inventory managers
Senior managers with a direct responsibility for financial management and control
Accountants, sale and purchase managers and managers responsible for relationship with banks
Any manager, at a medium and senior level, who is a part of the financial decision making team.
New interns and trainees with finance related responsibilities.
Course Outline
Introduction to managing cash
Why hold cash?
What does cash mean?
Cash budgeting
Cash cycle
Capital budgeting & investment theory
Present value theory
Expected value theory
Tools of capital budgeting
Risk analysis
Inventory management
Cash flow timeline
A financial dilemma
Basics of managing the average inventory balance
The optimal quantity to order
Monitoring the inventory balance
Reducing the size of the inventory investment
Accounts receivable management
Trade credit & shareholder value
Evaluating the motives of trade credit
Managing the credit function
Overview of credit granting
Establishing a credit policy
The credit-granting decision
Emergence of expert systems
Monitoring and collections
Managing payables and accruals
A financial dilemma
Accounts payable
The payment decision model
Monitoring the accounts payable balance
The payment system
A financial dilemma
The concept of float
Different types of payment systems
Cash collection system
The cost of float
Types of collection systems
Cash concentration
The basic structure of a cash concentration system
Cash transfer tools
Benefits of a concentration system
Cash transfer scheduling
Calculating the minimum balance to transfer
Managing the bank relationships
Services provided by banks
Bank selection & relationship management
How banks charge for services
Cash forecasting
Importance of cash forecasting
A financial dilemma
Steps in forecasting process
Forecasting- Percentage-of-sales method
Forecasting monthly cash flows
Forecasting philosophy