A World of Poachers
The Battle for Talent
The War for Talent
The Triumph of the HR Department
Proactive Talent Management
The Six HR Conditions for Organizational Success
What is Proactive Talent Management (PTM)?
How Proactive Talent Management Fuels Organizational Excellence
Creating a PTM System - Four Steps
The Foundations of a Proactive Talent Management System
Performance Management
Performance Appraisal and Potential Forecast
The Forces Influencing Talent Management
High Performance Management Practices
Workforce Value Proposition
The Changing Role of the HR Professional
Institutional Changes for Dealing with Talent Management Issues
The Top Twenty Companies for Building Leaders: How Do They Do It?
Talent Planning
Identifying High Potentials
Key Positions and Key People
Common Factors among High Potentials
The Performance Potential Grid
Qualities of Processes Needed to Spot, Develop and Retain Excellence
Integrating Coaching, Training and Development with Talent Management
Optimizing Investment in People
Using Compensation to Implement a Talent Management Plan
Integrating Compensation with Talent Management
Compensating Superkeepers
Linking Competencies to Performance and Pay
Using Long-Term Incentives to Retain Top Talent
Summary and Wrap Up
Laying the Ground for a Talent Management System - The Design Phase
Handing Over the Reins - The Implementation Phase
The Critical Success Factors