Process control is becoming an increasingly important
engineering topic, since the subject plays a crucial role in the design,
operation and maintenance in oil and gas process plants and industrial process
Industrial control systems (ICS) are at the heart of
industrial automation, playing a critical role in managing the operations of
critical infrastructure. This Course introduces you to Distributed Control
System (DCS), its general control Concept and the areas of applications in
industry. Distributed control refers to
a system of digital instrumentation that is distributed geographically and also
functionally. In the geographical context, a number of electronic assemblies
are located in processing areas throughout a plant, wired to process-mounted
sensors from which they receive information about the process conditions and
also connected to process-regulating devices to which they send commands
generated by programs that process the sensor-derived information.
Who Should Attend?
•Instrumentation Engineers &
•Design & Process Engineers.
•Operation Engineer.
•Production Operation.
•Maintenance Engineers &
Course Objectives
Upon the successful completion of this course, participants
will be able to:-
•Understand the theory and
application of process control strategies.
•Understand the fundamentals of
instrumentation measurements in Oil and Gas plants
•Understand process control loops
including feed forward, cascade, feedback, and ratio control loops.
•Learn the fundamentals of control
systems and how they are used to monitor, control, and optimize operations.
•Understand the Unit start-up/shut
down and emergency handling through DCS operation..
•Explain DCS control philosophy
and theory behind Trouble shooting equipment, process problems and control
•Understand the Pre-start-up
instrument checks-Stroking control valves, Control loop check, IPF loop checks
and Loop Tuning Window.
•Explain key points in the
Start-up and stabilization of plant through DCS operation after turn around,
normal/emergency shut downs.
•Discuss logic in DCS operation,
alarm, shutdown signals and Normal shut down of plant through DCS operation.
•Understand automated interfaces
(DCS/HMI/PLCs) and initiate corrective actions and communicate to concerned
•Understand Upset/Emergency
handling through DCS operation during feed/utilities/power failure scenarios
and fire emergencies
•Describe different Control
Systems Modes and its implementation
•Use DCS management and how
quality controlled in the oil and gas production (industries) and Perform Overall duties of CCR
•Provide the researches,
engineers, operators and technicians with most of the information that help
them achieving a production target with company product specifications.
•Understanding how to Generate
Maximo work requests and unit monthly production reports.
Training Methodology
•Expert tutor input using power
•Delegate discussion and
•Case studies, Best practice
•Supportive comprehensive course
manual enabling practical application and reinforcement.
•Workshops Topics and Handouts,
Power Point Presentation for each session.
•The course delivers in
interactive learning way.
•Why Process Control?
•What to Control?
•Basic field instrumentation
•Role of Sensors and Instruments
•Instrument control loops
•Final control elements (includes
control valves)
•Process control by controllers
& Process control functions
•Modes Of Control Systems
(Feedback Control Systems (Regulatory) &Sequential Control System)
•Control Systems Modes of Implementation
•Feedback Control Systems
•Advanced DCS applications
•When to consider DCS , PLC & SCADA
•DCS Alarm Management
•DCS Historian
•Application of various control
modes (forward, backward, cascade, split range and ratio control)
•Automated interfaces & Human
Machine Interface HMI
•How DCS used to monitor, control,
and optimize operations.
•Automated interfaces (DCS, HMI,
PLCs) and initiate corrective actions and communicate to concerned divisions
•Control graphics and custom group
•Trend display and Report display
•Controllers Tuning & Control
•Unit start-up/shut down and
emergency handling through DCS operation.
•Control philosophy and theory
behind Trouble shooting equipment, process problems and control skills.
•Pre-start-up instrument
checks-Stroking control valves, Control loop check, IPF loop checks and Loop
Tuning Window.
•Key points in the Start-up and
stabilization of plant through DCS operation after turn around,
normal/emergency shut downs.
•Discuss logic in DCS operation,
alarm, shutdown signals and Normal shut down of plant through DCS operation.
•Development of user interfaces /
•HMI Features (Monitoring, Trends,
Alarms, Historical Alarms ,Reporting & Reliability)
•Upset/Emergency handling through
DCS operation
•Describe different Control
Systems Modes and its implementation
•DCS management and Perform
Overall duties of CCR
•DCS and production target with
company product specifications.
•Generate Maximo work requests and
unit monthly production reports.
•Smart instrumentation and
Foundation field-bus technologies
•SIS Systems
•Cause and effect matrices
•Compressor control applications
•Case studies and examples on
process systems.
•Exercises Simulation lab
•Course overview
•Course close out