Managing Self and Leading Others

Start Date: 5 Jan 2025
End Date: 9 Jan 2025
Duration: 5
Country: singapore

Program Objectives:


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize strengths and blind spots in themselves and others
  • Increase their self-awareness for better self-management
  • Plan and set goals and directions based on values and aspirations
  • Earn trust and get results with leadership coaching
  • Influence others from a position of authority, even without formal authority
  • Lead for long-term results


Program Outline:



Self-awareness: a point of departure

  • Assessing your self-awareness
  • Why increase your self-awareness
  • How to increase your self-awareness
  • Self-awareness questionnaires
  • Emotional intelligence questionnaire
  • Interpersonal needs questionnaire (FIRO-B)
  • Assertiveness questionnaire
  • The ‘big five locator’ questionnaire
  • Cognitive style questionnaire




Self-management: clarifying values, setting goals, and planning

o    What is meant by self-management

o    Self-management, personal and social skills

o    Self-management skills and lifelong learning

o    How well do you plan and set goals

o    What are your values

o    Personal goal setting

o    Personal mission statements

o    Strategies for effective goal setting






Leading others with active coaching

o    Characteristics of an ideal coach

o    How a good coach is described

o    7 masterful coaching personality traits

o    Myths and realities

o    Seven communication principles for coaching

o    Gather good information with EARS

o    Good habits of effective listeners

o    Leadership coaching styles: What kind of a coach are you?





Persuading others with tact and diplomacy

o    Definition of ‘Persuasion’

o    Persuasion strategies: Credibility

o    Persuasion strategies: Logical Reasoning

o    Persuasion strategies: Emotional appeal

o    Improving your persuasive skills

o    Persuasive skills in formal presentations

o    Persuasion versus negotiation

o    The art of persuasion: thirty proven tips and techniques





Transforming others with influence and inspiration

o    Transformational leadership defined

o    Transformational leadership and charisma

o    A model of transformational leadership

o    Transformational leadership factors

o    Transactional leadership factors

o    Other transformational perspectives

o    How does the transformational approach to leadership work




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