Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills

Start Date: 16 Feb 2025
End Date: 20 Feb 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Istanboul / Turkey

The Course

One of the major keys to success in the business world is being able to apply "discipline” to your live and actions! This is the key to developing personal effectiveness and professional excellence.

As S. N. Bremer said, "Self mastery is the greatest task to which man has ever set his hand to. Self development, can be achieved only after we resolve to control our self, through the operation and control of our thoughts.”

Aldus Huxley said, "There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that is your OWN SELF!”

Whether you realise it or not, you carry within yourself, a mental blue print and picture of you. All of our actions, feelings, behaviour, and even our abilities, are consistent with the self – image, we hold of ourselves. Your self-image is either your life handicap, or your auto-pilot for success!

Denis Waitley, the well known motivational speaker and top performance trainer, sums it all up, when he says – "Ultimately, what shapes our self-image, is not so much what happens to us, as what happens in us! Perhaps more than any other quality, a healthy self-esteem, is the door to high achievement and happiness.”

This programme is designed, to prepare and equip each person, with the discipline, positive mind set, and motivation, to maximise their incredible personal potential!

The Goals

This powerful programme will help you to learn how:

·         To empower and enable you, to develop in the areas of personal effectiveness, and character empowerment, that is required in today’s Global economy


·         To build these empowerment skills into achieving excellence in every area of personal and corporate life.

·         To highlight the 90% "People Factor”, in contrast with the 10% "Performance Factor.”

·         To equip and maximise your potential, develop positive habits, and thus increase your productivity, in the work force.

The Delegates

A strategic programme for every staff person! Every management professional and those being groomed for future leadership, will find this Programme life-empowering and career expanding!

The Benefits

Following completion of this unit, you will know:

·         How to be more disciplined and personally effective.

·         What empowers and what disempowers a person.

·         How to build a positive work environment.

·         How to understand teleological thinking.

·         How to move from the negative cycle and into the positive success mode.

·         How to release a new drive and motivation into your life and work environment.

·         How to empower your life for positive results.

The Results

·         Understanding the significance of your self-image.

·         Understanding the 6 basic psychological needs of man.

·         Knowing how to control and discipline your mind.

·         Discovering how to bring personal character change.

·         Building up a positive inner belief system.

·         Knowing how to practice effective interpersonal relationship skills.

·         How to practice having a positive mental attitude.

·         Practicing positive word empowerment.

·         Working and developing a transformational vocabulary.

·         Implementing a proactive life style.

The Core Competencies

·         Knowing how to direct your conscious and subconscious mind.

·         Learn how to overcome negative thinking and a restrictive past.

·         Developing an improved self-image.

·         Increasing your personal confidence.

·         Develop a daily, disciplined life style.

·         Practicing mirror motivation every day.

·         Practice speaking our positive and encouraging words.

·         Increase showing appreciation to others.

·         Learning to develop a positive mental attitude.

·         Become proactive conscious.

The Programme Content


Day One

Mind Empowerment

·         What does the word "think” really mean?

·         Thought precedes all action

·         Roger Bannister’s programme to break the 4 minute mile barrier

·         Understand the power of your conscious subconscious mind

·         Realise the power of your imagination

·         Understand the significance of teleological thinking

·         How to deal with disempowering thinking

·         How to use the Replacement Principle

·         How to create a disciplined character

Day Two

Self-Image Empowerment

·         Understanding who you are

·         What is your Self-Image?

·         Discover the one prime cause for success or failure in life

·         Release yourself from other people’s expectations

·         Know the power of discovering your self image

·         How to overcome a low self image

·         Discover the power of choice

·         How to build your self-esteem

·         See what creates your Screen of reality

·         How do you see yourself?

·         Realise nothing has any perspective, other than what you give it

·         Check your train of emotional thought

·         How do you process an event?

·         See how your choice affects your circumstances

·         Create a new picture, of a new you

·         How to develop a healthy self-esteem

Day Three

Attitude Empowerment

·         What does "attitude” really mean?

·         What is the 85% x 15% attitude success factor?

·         Understand the importance of attitude adjustment

·         Mallory’s failed expedition to Mt. Everest

·         How to maintain a right Attitude?

·         Associate with Positive growing people

·         Listen to, and read daily motivational materials

·         Enjoy the medicine of real laughter

·         Have a fresh and new attitude in everything you do

·         How to create a disciplined character

Day Four

Word Empowerment

·         Every word you speak releases power

·         Every declared word is empowered positively or negatively

·         How your words can build up or destroy a person

·         Learn what sort of words really encourage and build up people

·         When you open your mouth, your mind is on parade!

·         How to make wise decisions

Appreciation Empowerment

·         One of the six basic psychological needs of man

·         Why is appreciation so important?

·         Learn the attitude of gratitude

·         Express appreciation to those you work with

·         Discover the statements that build appreciation

·         Learn how to express appreciation in a variety of ways

·         Learn how to make appreciation a vital part of your life

Day Five

Motivation Empowerment

·         What does the word "motivation” really mean?

·         Learn what motivates you and what motivates other people

·         What happens when you are personally motivated?

·         Find out the key factor in a surveyed 100 "most successful business persons in the world”

·         What does motivation do? Discover the 10 powerful results!

·         Discover the medical findings and physiological impact that motivation brings to the body

·         Find out why we lose motivation

·         Learn the 3 major steps of motivation empowerment

·         How to be action orientated

·         Develop and proactive life style

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development