fire Alarm & Sprinklers Inspection, Testing & Design

Start Date: 16 Feb 2025
End Date: 20 Feb 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Dubai / UAE
Category: Engineering and Technical Programs

Upon completion of this course, participants will have a thorough understanding of  fire fighting and detection system, Signal diagram, LCN & UCN, Network and GUS administration, and Drawing/distribution/termination details of FSC & Fire Protection Panel.

Participants will have in-depth knowledge of network design, hydraulic calculations by using NFPA programs, equipment selection, proper operation,  trouble shooting  through  presentation of actual case studies.

Participants will divide into two or three groups and each group will receive a project and at the end of this course, each group will present their project design including routing and hydraulic calculations, by using elite software program.

Who should attend:

The course should benefit engineering personnel working with or in fire alarm systems.

Daily Outlines:

Day One

What is the fire

1. What is the fire fighting system

2. Classification of occupancies

3. Types of sprinkler systems

Day Two

4. Sequence of operations for  fire fighting and detection system equipped with suppression system.

5. Signal Interconnection Philosophy Diagram.

6. LCN & UCN Interconnection Diagram.

Day Three

1. Types of sprinklers

2. Dry pipe sprinkler system

3. Deluge & Pre-action system

4. Refrigerated spaces

Day Four:

Commercial type cooking equipment

Wet-pipe sprinkler system

Single Line Diagram & Grounding Scheme

Network Configuration & GUS Administration.

Detail Drawings for FSC & Fire Protection Panel.

Day Five

1. Basic Design of Sprinkler systems

2. How to design a project

3. Sprinkler distribution inside the places

4. Water network distribution & sizing

5. Power Distribution Details for FSC & Fire Protection Panel.

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development