In an ever increasingly competitive marketplace, the maintenance department is routinely asked to keep equipment running longer, with fewer failures and at lower costs. Industry is experiencing the pressure of rising costs, foreign competition, and the need to
work force productivity. Companies must make productive use of all their resources - labor, material, capital - through best maintenance practices. Planning, Management
and Work
has the greatest profit potential of any maintenance function a "reliable way to quickly improve maintenance performance and service.The program is intended to introduce participants to a deep and advanced knowledge of maintenance objectives, problems associated
poor maintenance program.
A focuses are directed on maintenance documentation, maintenance strategies, reliability-centered maintenance, total productive maintenance, failure profile of plant machinery, acceptance standard and maintenance key performance evaluation and indicators. Computer applications on maintenance planning, maintenance scheduling, management and work control will be addressed too. Emphasis on various aspects of optimum maintenance sequencing, associated costs, replacement decision, task assignment & allocation, managing maintenance spare parts
problem solving process. In addition, trainees will learn how to sell management teams on the importance of these roles and how to gain the cooperation and understanding of purchasing, operations
and engineering.This program is designed to be a hands-on, stimulating experience. The program is highly interactive with much discussion and computer application practice sessions.During the course, attendees will have the opportunity to review an "Interactive computer decision making and optimization applications. Laptop computers will be available to join in a
practical session.
By the end of this seminar, delegates will be able to go back to their facility and immediately apply what they learned to help make their plant or facility more efficient. Training like this never costs it pays! Who should attend:
Delegates should represent a wide range of personnel in the organization who are involved and engaged or dependent on work management, planning, and scheduling and those who are looking for effective maintenance. These include:
Maintenance Managers
Maintenance & Operations superintendents, supervisors, team leaders
Maintenance planners
Key leaders from each Maintenance craft
Materials Management Managers/Supervisors
Key Maintenance support assistants
Other stakeholders in the Work Planning Function Daily Outlines:
Day #1
Maintenance departments function and objectives
Apparent problems associated with poor maintenance program
Selling Maintenance to senior executives
Maintenance documentation
Maintenance documentation scenario
Defining maintenance Strategies
Reactive, by default
Preventive Maintenance PM
Maintenance decision and computer applications
Condition based maintenance
Day #2
Reliability-centered maintenance
Modify the normal failure profile of plant machinery
Acceptance Standard
Presenting the RCM Plan
Steps in developing a formal RCM analysis
RCM Case Study
Total Productive
Develop maintenance key performance evaluation and indicators
Backlog ratio
Over age Backlog Schedule
Estimating Accuracy
PM and Emergency Indices
Productivity of the maintenance workforce Indicators
Maintenance cost
Balance Sheet
Day #3
Maintenance planning
Planner qualifications
Planning Work Flow
Good maintenance elements
Preparing maintenance plan
Planning sheet
Application planning sheet
Building maintenance scheduling
Weekly Schedule
Daily Schedules
Case Study & Application
Maintenance project management and planning module
Evaluating Time-Cost Trade-off
Justify resource constrain
Optimum number of workers
Day #4
Optimum maintenance sequencing
Interactive practical applications
Track associated costs
Machine replacement analysis (MRA)
Replace Sudden Failure Items
Replace Items that deteriorate
Computer Method for Machine replacement
Life cycle costing analysis LCCA
Allocate maintenance work
Interactive practical applications
Planning of spare parts (Maintenance Material Control)
Stock holding costs
Stock ordering costs
Lead time elements
Economical order quantity EOQ
Computer applications in maintenance material control,
Materials requirements planning (MRP)
Day # 5
Best maintenance Practice
Problem Solving Process
Basic Types of Failure Causes
Define the Problem - the
problem Statement
Gather Data/Evidence
Identify the Fundamental Relationships associated with the defined problem.
Utilize and analyze diagrams
Causes of failure
Case History
Identify, implement effective solutions and the recommendations
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Case study
Questions/Discussion and Wrap-up |