Implementing Effective Preventive & Predictive Maintenance

Start Date: 27 Apr 2025
End Date: 1 May 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Madrid / Spain
Category: Engineering and Technical Programs


Effective Planned & Predictive Maintenance  are critical for a successful company and an integral part of maintenance management strategies such as RCM, RBM TPM, and even 6-Sigma. This comprehensive 5-day programme has been designed to benefit both qualified new professionals as well as experienced professionals who may be involved in the rollout of a comprehensive Maintenance system or auditing an existing system. It covers all the steps required in developing a successful Planning & Predictive  Maintenance programme from system development until a well-managed Maintenance system is in place and operational.


Leading industrial organizations are evolving away from reactive ("fix-it-when-it-breaks") management into predictive, productive management ("anticipating, planning, and fix-it-before-it-breaks"). This evolution requires well-planned and executed actions on several fronts.

·         Understand how world-class organizations solve common planning problems

·         Improve productivity through use of better, more timely information

·         Implement a practical and effective predictive maintenance effort

·         Improve consistency and reliability of asset information

·         Achieve more productive turnarounds

·         Optimize preventive and predictive maintenance strategies

Training Methodology

The seminar will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures, case studies and interactive worked examples. Relevant case studies will be provided to illustrate the application of each tool in an operations environment. Each learning point will be re-enforced with practical exercises. There will be ample opportunities for discussion and sharing experiences.

Organizational Impact

·         Select the most appropriate planning and predictive tools for Effective Maintenance

·         Integrate Predictive Maintenance into the Planning function

·         Introduce Critical Decision-Making Topics

·         Develop an effective system for controlling maintenance

·         Optimisation of the maintenance effort

·         Manage full and effective control of the maintenance budget

Personal Impact

The participants will:

·         Know and identify which equipment components should be part of your preventive maintenance plan

·         Know how to establish the most appropriate failure finding interval for protective devices - and how to come up with the failure risk of equipment that's subject to condition-based maintenance

·         Know the right way to establish the optimal inspection frequency for equipment in continuous operation

·         Give you the tools needed to make data-driven decisions, which you can apply in your own environment and upon which you can rely to help you in developing appropriate programs

·         Know how to arrive at the economic life of an asset where its utilization declines as it ages

Who Should Attend?

Delegates should represent a wide range of personnel in the organization who are involved in, or dependent on, effective maintenance planning, scheduling and work control. These should include:

·         Maintenance Managers & Supervisors

·         Personnel designated as planners, or identified to become planners

·         Predictive Maintenance Technicians & Supervisors

·         Key leaders from each Maintenance craft

·         Key Operations Supervisors

·         Materials Management Managers/Supervisors

·         CMMS Administrator or key users

seminar outline

The Need for Maintenance

·         Failure Mode Effect & Criticality Analysis (FMECA)

o    Causes of Failures

o    Likelihood & Severity of Failure - Risk Analysis

o    Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)

·         Optimisation of Maintenance Decisions

o    Failure Pattern Identification

o    Statistical Analysis of Failures

o    Weibull Analysis

·         Zero Base Budgeting

o    Define the production requirement

o    Define the maintenance requirement

Developing the CMMS

·         Database Construction

o    Installed Asset Base

o    Hierarchical Structure

o    Procedures and Plans

·         Resources

o    Dedicated Manpower

o    Contractors

o    Specialist Tools

·         Maintenance Strategies

o    Centralised/Decentralised

o    Life/Emergency/Corrective/Planned

o    Planned & Predictive

The Planning Function

·         Roles & Responsibilities

o    The Planners

o    Job Initiators

o    Maintenance Trades

·         Job Planning

o    Planning Corrective Work

o    Integrate Planning with Procedures

o    Resource Levelling

·         Scheduling

o    Long Term Scheduling with Production

o    Medium & Short Term Scheduling

o    Planning Department Interfaces

Predictive Maintenance

·         Potential Failure Analysis (PFA)

o    Integration of PFA with FMECA & RCM

o    Understanding the P-F Interval

o    Decide which Technologies to Apply

·         Vibration Analysis

o    Detectable Faults

o    Setup Parameters

o    Monitoring & Protection

o    On-Line or Off-Line

·         Supporting Technologies

o    Infrared Thermography

o    Passive Ultrasonics

o    Oil Analysis

Control of the Maintenance Process

·         CMMS Integration

o    Predictive Maintenance Interface

o    Optimising PM Kit Usage with PdM

o    Operational planning

·         Reporting

o    Monthly PM & PdM reports for Management

o    Financial Feedback Reports

o    Budget Control

·         Key Performance Indicators

o    Reliability & statistics – MTBF, Reliability etc.

o    Work request backlog analysis

o    Customer feedback analysis

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development