Course Description
Keeping levels of employee engagement at a satisfactory level is one of the biggest challenges employers may face at present. Pay cuts, pay freezes, redundancies, slashed learning & development budgets, and even working for a period without pay significantly impacts on employee engagement. This course is designed to convey principles and techniques that are based upon a modern understanding of the subject, rather than relying on conventional notions that people are solely motivated by material rewards, such as pay increases, commission and bonuses
Course Objectives
Understanding the value of employee engagement to an organization
Learning how to measure the level of employee engagement in their organization
Being familiar with designing, carrying out and interpreting engagement surveys
Identifying and developing the required change initiatives
Understanding the impact of engagement on business performance
Who Should Attend?
Business owners
Top management for small and medium enterprises
Those who are interested in increasing their managerial skills to effectively and efficiently manage
Program Schedule
Introduction to employee engagement
Why employee engagement is important to an organization?
How to measure engagement in an organization?
Employee engagement - from people to profits
The doom and gloom of a disengaged workforce
Understanding the drivers of engagement
The right and wrong drivers
The main pillars of engagement
The engagement model
The benefits of a committed workforce
Employee engagement designing and conducting
Employee engagement analyzing and interpreting the data
How good or bad are you in employee engagement?
Reporting on employee engagement surveys
Giving employees feedback
The talent war – the cost of losing it
Closing the engagement gap
Involving and empowering employees
Building the employee brand
Building high performance teams
Developing an engagement strategy
Tools, tips and advice for employee engagement
Communication and engagement
Ceo - chief engagement officer
Leadership that ignites passion
Using metrics to stay on track
The change competencies