AERMOD based Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling

Start Date: 16 Mar 2025
End Date: 20 Mar 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Istanboul / Turkey
Category: Health, Safety, Security & Environment

Course Description


This course is intended for air quality professionals who require knowledge of puff air dispersion

modeling approaches and techniques. This course builds upon essential ADM concepts

demonstrating the potential for accurate results at small and large scales or in regions of

immense complexity. At the end of the course the attendee should be able to use the

appropriate model necessary for a variety of regulatory applications, efficiently using the model

at-hand. Case studies will be used throughout the course giving "real world" applicability to

atmospheric dispersion theory.

Course Objective


• Learn how to use CALPUFF View, including pre- and post-processors for CALMET,


• Understand the models for regulatory and research applications.

• Apply what you learn in interactive case studies using various scenarios including:

screening analysis, basic CALPUFF analysis, visibility analysis, analysis with chemical

transformation and advanced dispersion parameters, analysis of near-field impacts in

regions of complex terrain.

Who Should attend?


Air quality professionals in environmental consulting companies, government agencies, and

other corporate environmental engineers involved or planning to be involved, in the prediction of

the impact caused by sources of air pollution.

Course Outline


􀂃 Introductions

􀂃 Stability Class and Mixing Height

􀂃 Puff vs. Plume

􀂃 Deposition

􀂃 Screening Analysis - Met data processing

􀂃 Screening Analysis - Sources & receptors using CALPUFF & CALPOST

􀂃 Refined Analysis - Wind fields (CALMET)

􀂃 Met Processing

􀂃 Terrain Processing

􀂃 Review (Stability Class, Mixing Height, Terrain)

􀂃 Turbulence

􀂃 Another look at CALMET and RUN

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development