Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Quality Plans

Start Date: 19 Oct 2025
End Date: 23 Oct 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Istanboul / Turkey
Category: Health, Safety, Security & Environment


This course introduces the principles of Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Quality Plans Key highlights of the course are:

·         Preparation of Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Quality Plans

·         Key elements for quality, health & safety and the environment

·         Satisfying client contractual requirements and legal compliance

·         The roles and responsibilities of the individuals concerned


By the end of this course you will be able to:

·         Have a better understanding of the terminology used

·         Understand how the process for implementation works

·         Understand your own specific role and responsibilities as well as other members of your team

·         Be familiar with the practical application

·         Be able to prepare Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Quality Plans

Training Methodology

The course uses a range of approaches to learning, including experiential group activities, individual exercises, mini-case studies, and role plays. A key part of the learning process is sharing the differing experiences participants bring, as well as experimenting with some new techniques.

Organizational Impact

·         Use of a well proven process

·         More effective implementation of existing systems

·         Improved confidence

·         Introduction of new processes to improve efficiency

Personal Impact

·         Increasing career flexibility

·         Accelerated problem resolution for all related issues

·         Exposed to a range of perspectives by sharing examples of best practice

·         Practicing new techniques will build confidence

Who Should Attend?

Directors, Senior Management with responsibilities for implementation of contracts, Heads of Departments including Quality, Health & Safety and Environment Managers who wish to see how all three subjects operate together, Section Heads and Supervisors and anyone else who wishes to increase their understanding of risk assessments, method statements and quality plans.

seminar outline

Day 1


By the end of this course you will be able to:

·         Have a better understanding of the terminology used.

·         Understand how the process for implementation works

·         Understand your own specific role and responsibilities as well as other members of your team

·         Be familiar with the practical application.

·         Be able to prepare Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Quality Plans.



Experience in the 3 subjects

The links between Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment

·         Practical applications

·         Best practice

Review of the day



Day 2

Risk Assessments

·         Background and benefits

·         Principles

·         The Health & Safety Executive Five steps and other methods

How to assess the risks in your workplace

 Step 1 Identify the hazards

 Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how

 Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions

 Step 4 Record your findings and implement them

 Step 5 Review your assessment and update if necessary

·         Roles and responsibilitie

·         Competence

Review of the day



Day 3

Method Statements

·         Background and benefits

What goes into a Method Statement?

What are Method Statements and how do I write them?


·         Roles and responsibilities

·         Competence

·         Methodology

·         Practical applications

·         Best practice

Review of the day




Day 4

Quality Plans

·         Background and benefits

·         Correspondence between ISO 10005 and ISO 9001

·         Development of a Quality Plan

·         Contents of a Quality Plan

·         19sub- sections

·         Review, acceptance, implementation and revision

·         4 sub-sections

·         Practical applications

·         Best practice

Review of the day



Day 5

Review of previous 4 days

Question and Answer

·         Preparation of course manuals

·         Review of course manual content

·         Course questionnaire

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development