Control Valves & Actuators

Start Date: 12 Oct 2025
End Date: 16 Oct 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Istanboul / Turkey
Category: Engineering and Technical Programs
This highly interactive 5-day Control Valves & Actuators training seminar highlights the most important features and characteristics of control valves and actuators. Combinations of valves and actuators are used in just about every process around the world, and the proper understanding and utilization of them is crucial to efficient operations and control. This training seminar has been designed in such a way as to empower delegates to think practically about valve and actuator installations, in a manner that allows them to consider, select and install the best piece of equipment for the application at hand. This Control Valves & Actuators training seminar emphasizes the important aspects of valves and actuators, and lead to a greater understanding of flow aspects pertinent to these devices. In some cases, the differences between certain valves and actuators can be quite large, whilst in others, the variations are very subtle. Delegates are taught to focus and differentiate between the various devices that are available, and how they fit into the greater scheme of things. This exposure, most certainly, will promote greater confidence in the ability of delegates to make informed decisions, as well as to assist in decisions that are made at a higher level.

Program Objectives: 
By the end of this training seminar, participants should be able to:
  Comprehend the inner operation of most commonly utilized valve types 
 Decide on the best valve to use, for specific applications 
 Determine the most cost effective valve size 
 Determine the best device to drive and operate an assortment of valves
  Get control valves to operate optimally in the field, using an assortment of techniques

Program Outline

Valve Principals, Purposes, Types, Control Signals and Flow Conditions 
 Valve Principles, Valve Purposes and Control Signals used with Valves 
 Flow Conditions in and around Valves 
 Reynolds Numbers 
 Cavitation and Flashing and How This Influences Valve Selection 
 Associated Equipment - Pertinent to Valves 
 Definitions and Principles of Operation of the Major Types of Valves

DAY 2 
Valve in P&IDs, Leakage, Valve Characteristics and Valve Size Calculations 
 Continuation of the Definitions and Principles of Operation of more Major Types of Valves 
 Additional associated Equipment - Pertinent with Valves 
 P&ID Diagrams associated with Valves 
 Valve Leakage and Valve Leakage Rate Calculation 
 Valve Inherent Characteristics and their importance once installed 
 Performing Manual Calculations - for Valve Sizing

DAY 3 
Valve Software, Actuators, Positioners, Cavitation & Noise Control & SIS 
 Software Used to Size Control Valves 
 Assorted Actuators and their Properties and Characteristics 
 Valve Positioners  Cavitation and Noise Control - in and around valves 
 Valves and How They Fit into Pressure Relief and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
  Using Digital Controllers - with valves 

DAY 4 
3-term Controllers and Loop-tuning for Processes Containing Control Valves 
 Understanding and Implementing the Right Controller Action - for fail-safe valves 
 Understanding all of the Variables - associated with three-term control 
 Open Loop Tuning - for controllers that act on control valve loops 
 Closed Loop Tuning - for controllers that act on control valve loops 
 Trial and Error Tuning - to optimize control valve performance

DAY 5 
Using Valves in Cascade, Ratio, Dead-Time Dominant, Non-Linear and PLCControlled Processes 
 Setting-up a Cascade Loop - using a single valve and multiple controllers 
 Setting-up a Ratio Loop - using a Single Valve and Multiple Process Variables (PVs) 
 Dead Time Dominant Loops - how this affects the valve performance, and how this is corrected 
 Using a Control Valve in a process that exhibits different responses in different zones 
 Combining PLCs - for valve control

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development