Negotiating & Dispute Resolutions

Start Date: 27 Apr 2025
End Date: 1 May 2025
Duration: 5
Country: Milan / Italy

The Course

The ability to be able to negotiate effectively is a critical competency in both work and life situations. An effective negotiator will draw upon a range of communication and interpersonal skills as well as focusing on issues of the process, planning  and objective setting.

Typically, negotiations occur at both the individual and team level internally within peer groups and with employees as well as externally with suppliers and customers. Closely associated with the negotiation process is the possibility of disagreement and dispute conflict; so it is appropriate to consider how best to reduce the risk of disputes and how to resolve  then if they do occur.

This course will cover  they key stages of negotiation, consider how disputes arise and provide the delegates with an effective toolbox of skills to enable them to follow a structured process. The delegates will be introduced to different negotiation styles and tactics and learn how to  recognise and counter them. There will be an opportunity for delegates to carry out a  self assessment of their own skills over the whole range of the negotiation topic and they will consider the differences between negotiating individually or as part of a team.

The programme culminates in a realistic dispute resolution case study and the delegates are encouraged to reach an agreement before the forces of law intervene in the dispute.

The Goals

On completion of the course, participants will be able to:

·         Understand the different phases of the negotiation process

·         Recognise the significance of planning and objective setting

·         Achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes within the bargaining process

·         Engage in negotiations with confidence

·         Identify the causes of disagreements & disputes

·         Understand the significance of disputes and the  long term impact they can have on relationships

·         Identify and use strategies to resolve the causes of disputes, rather than deal with symptoms

·         Be sensitive to situations and issues likely to result in disputes

·         Have confidence in confronting and managing disputes

·         An overall objective is to create a supportive learning environment where participates are able to practice newly developed skills. The creation of an enjoyable learning environment will facilitate the  realisation of the course objectives

The Process

The training is  tutor led through highly interactive discussion groups, syndicate exercises, easily understood case studies and  role playing in a realistic dispute resolution scenario. A formal framework is built around the delegate’s current knowledge and they are encouraged to re-discover and share their knowledge and experiences. Delegates are encouraged to develop both their short and  long term memories to increase the value  for money provided for the employer.

Based  around their  self assessments, the delegates are able to seek coaching and  counselling from the tutor during the private study periods either with their peer group or individually.

The Delegates

This module will be best suited to those who have a fundamental ability in negotiating but want to increase their formal knowledge and enhance their practical skills. The course is aimed at staff at all levels and is applicable to staff from a wide range of business disciplines including engineering, design, project management, production, finance, sales & marketing, business development, purchasing, procurement, commercial and general management. Those who will benefit most will have a current or planned interface with internal "suppliers or customers” or external suppliers or customers through which contracts are negotiated.

The Benefits

The seminar will enhance the knowledge and skill set of the delegates and improve their confidence level when faced with the prospect of difficult negotiations such as those encountered during the process of resolving contractual disputes.

The Results

The improved knowledge and skills gained by the delegates will enable them to make a greater and more effective contribution in the avoidance of disputes and their resolution thereby helping the  organisation to reduce the incidences of escalation to the external and costly process of Arbitration or Litigation.

The Core Competencies

The course will hone existing skills and competencies and provide new skills and competencies in the following areas:

·         The relevance and importance of negotiations

·         Understanding the four phases of the negotiation process – Preparation, Discussion, Proposal, Bargaining & Closure

·         Recognising different negotiation styles, including participants undertaking a self-analysis

·         The how and why of disputes

·         Use of non-verbal communication techniques (body language) to aid understanding

·         Examining different strategies and tactics for arriving at ‘win –win’ situations

·         Dealing with the difficult negotiators

·         Dealing with the frustrations of negotiations

·         Practicing negotiation strategies and skills and evaluating their effectiveness

·         Self analysis of existing styles for resolving disputes

·         Dispute resolution and the contractual process – Alternative Dispute Resolution

·         Identifying the appropriateness of different strategies and approaches for resolving conflict & disputes

·         Practicing ‘new’ approaches to resolving disputes and their effectiveness

The Programme Content


Day One

Programme Introduction

Fundamentals of Negotiation

·         Negotiation defined

·         Disputes and the need for resolution

·         Place of negotiation in the contractual resolution process

·         Commercial impact of the breakdown of negotiations

·         Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

·         The four phase process of negotiation

o    Preparation

o    Discussion

o    Proposal

o    Bargain & Close

Day Two

The Negotiator’s Toolbox


·         Negotiating position setting

·         Prioritisation

·         Entry & exit points

·         Information needs

·         Team negotiation - roles


·         Conducive environment

·         Relationship building

·         Information acquisition

·         Forms of questions - open, closed, comparative


·         The conditional proposal - "If/then…”

·         Unconditional proposals – " Thank & Bank”

·         Degrees of freedom

Bargain and Close

·         Trading up and Trading down

·         Concessions

·         Recording the outcome

Day Three

Negotiating Styles, Tactics and Ploys

·         Cultural & international issues

·         Red, Purple & Blue negotiators

·         Non-verbal communication

o    Interpretation of Signals – arms, legs and eyes

o    What is in a handshake?

o    Spatial zones and spatial awareness

·         Make time your friend

·         Silence as a tactic and how to counter it

·         Ploys as "power plays” and how to counter

Day Four

Personal Fitness and Dealing with Difficult Negotiations

·         Interests, positions and escalation

o    Push/pull

o    Good guy/bad guy

·         Negotiator as a Mediator

·         Team negotiations

·         Proposals and persuasion

·         What’s In It For Me (the WIIFM solution)

·         Personal skills fitness check

Day Five

Putting it All Into Practice

·         Negotiation case study

·         Team allocation and simulation exercise

·         Analysis of performance

·         The Do’s and Don’ts of Negotiating

·         Improving what we do – action planning

The Kuwait Institute For Career Development